chen wan g li, suntao, qinqian q in g, shiyan, zhangwei, linli y u. lunardem constructionfromnadirima g esofchan g’ e-1ccdcameraofad j acenttracks[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2015, 40(9): 1169-1175. DOI: 10.13203/j .whu g is20140041
Citation: chen wan g li, suntao, qinqian q in g, shiyan, zhangwei, linli y u. lunardem constructionfromnadirima g esofchan g’ e-1ccdcameraofad j acenttracks[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2015, 40(9): 1169-1175. DOI: 10.13203/j .whu g is20140041

lunardem constructionfromnadirima g esofchan g’ e-1ccdcameraofad j acenttracks

  • inordertoconstructademofthemoon’ ssurfacefromnarrowbaselinestereomatchin gbe-tweennadir ima g esofchan g’ e-1ccdcameraofad j acenttracks,ancc-pocbasedada p tivedis p arit yestimationmethodisp ro p osed.theestimateddis p arit yma pisusedtoconstructthedem.intheal-g orithm,ncc ( normalizedcrosscorrelation) isa pp liedwithatexturebasedada p tivewindowtoscanthep airofstereoima g esp ixelb yp ixel.thisp rocessdeterminestheinte g erdis p arit ybetweencorre-s p ondin gp ixels,andthepoc ( rhase-onl ycorrelation) isa pp liedtoestimatehi g haccurac ysub-p ixelshifts.thetotaldis p arit ybetweenthecorres p ondin gp ixelsoftheima g ep airiscalculatedasthesum-mationofnccmeasuredinte g erdis p arit yandthepocmeasuresub-p ixeldis p arit y.viathistwoste pdis p arit yestimationp rocedure,
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